Pressure Washing And Heritage Painter Perth
Our Heritage Painting service involves interior and exterior painting of all types of heritage buildings using heritage colours. Our service method involves pressure washing, fence staining, faux finishing and epoxies. Perth City Painters are able to paint almost any surface and guarantee complete satisfaction The purpose of pressure washing is to remove mould, grease, graffiti stains, loose dirt, spider webs and make the existing colour more vibrant.We do high and low pressure washing that involves using a special blend of detergents and bleach. Our pressure washing is safe on most exterior surfaces and we take care on pressure washing sensitive surfaces such as wood, vinyl, and aluminium.

Our Residential Pressure Washing Services Include
- High Pressure Cleaning
- Low Pressure Cleaning
- Deck Restoration & Staining
- Concrete Surface Cleaning
- Gutter Cleaning
- Houses
- Driveways
- Decks
- Veranda/Balconies
- Pergolas
- Roof Tiles
- Mobile Homes

Our team members are fully trained and up to date with OHS policies. We also include:
- Public Liability insurance
- Workers compensation insurance
- Early start, and finished to your required date
- Competitive price
- 10 year guarantee
- High Quality paint and materials
- Free colour consultancy

Contact Our Team Of Painters At Perth City Painters To Enquire About Your Residential, Commercial Or Industrial Painting Project In Perth On 1800 234 100.